viernes, 12 de abril de 2013

Arduino by Davis: “Raspberry Pi Magic Mirror #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi” plus 19 more

Arduino by Davis: “Raspberry Pi Magic Mirror #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi” plus 19 more

Link to Arduino by Davis

Posted: 12 Apr 2013 03:19 AM PDT

Check out this fascinating Raspberry Pi Magic Mirror project created by Pierre Raufest at "Think RP"i — and this lovely story from Liz at RaspberryPi.Org of Pierre documenting his project:
Here's a somewhat creepy mirror with a disembodied (French) voice, which recognises the person looking into it and responds accordingly. This lovely hack from Pierre Raufast is the sort of OpenCV application that we hope to see much more of when the camera board goes up for sale (and the Pi camera would be a great solution here, with a much higher framerate).
Snow White's Mum has nothing on Pierre.
I mailed Pierre, the man in front of the mirror, as soon as I spotted this on YouTube last week, asking if he had any documentation. He didn't, but he sat down immediately and spent the weekend putting some together – in English. Thank you very much, Pierre! Head over to at Think RPi, where you'll find easy-to-follow steps which make up a tutorial, including a hardware list; software; instructions; tips on successfully using OpenCV (the face-recognition software); a picture of Han Solo, my all-time favourite space pirate; and a picture of a couple of Brits holding boxes full of tiny computers last April. 
Read more.
Posted: 08 Apr 2013 03:43 AM PDT
Maker faire, Call for Makers, Roma, Europa, Edicion europea, make, arduteka
Hola amigos!!
Hoy estamos de celebración! Al fin vamos a tener en Europa una Maker Faire a lo grande! Y ya se ha abierto la campaña para que podáis enviar vuestras propuestas.
Si eres un Maker que vive en Europa y que ha estado buscando en los eventos Maker Faire con entusiasmo y deseando estar allí, este es el momento para entrar en acción ya que la llamada a los Makers para la primera edición Europea está abierta!!

¿No conoces todavía que es una Maker Faire?

Échale un vistazo a las galerías de fotos y videos de las Maker Faire ya celebradas AQUI.

Puedes inscribirte para la Maker Faire de Roma hasta el domingo 02 de junio 2013

Esta convocatoria es la oportunidad de presentar tu gran proyecto al equipo de la Maker Faire y convertirte en uno de los protagonistas de este maravilloso espectáculo que se celebrará en Roma el próximo Octubre.
Damos la bienvenida a los proyectos de toda Europa, porque creemos que el poder de la innovación no debe estar limitado por las fronteras.
Fabricantes de todo el continente están invitados a participar y compartir sus proyectos con todos los amantes del espíritu "Do It Yourself", participa y siente el placer de compartir tus conocimientos.
Aunque el objetivo principal del evento es fomentar la creación colectiva, también estamos buscando artistas y creadores que quieran compartir sus ideas y proyectos en el escenario. Lee atentamente la convocatoria para asimilar todos los detalles.
Si quieres un poco de inspiración, estad atentos a nuestro blog, en las próximas semanas iremos dando más noticias sobre el evento..
Tener en cuenta que la fecha límite de presentación es el domingo 2 de junio de 2013, no esperéis más!
Estamos esperando a que nos sorprendáis con vuestros proyectos!!
Hasta pronto!!

Posted: 12 Apr 2013 03:01 AM PDT
Problemino su link pagina Home del sito il link Daisy-24 a me (su chrome) da errore
(sembra che oltre a metta davanti

Un'altra ...
Posted: 12 Apr 2013 03:01 AM PDT

Utilise SoftwareSerial (NewSoftSerial avant arduino 1.0.x) pour ton port série Midi et garde ton port série hardware pour le debug smiley-wink
Posted: 12 Apr 2013 03:01 AM PDT
esatto, e la stessa cosa sarà possibile (non so se è già implemtato) con gli URL; di conseguenza ricordate un sacco di tempo fa il sito raccoglitore di librerie arduino uffici...
Posted: 12 Apr 2013 03:01 AM PDT

I'm a aeronautical engineering student and for my thesis i'm designing a vectoring nozzle.
The movement of the nozzle is controlled with a potentiometric joystick.

These 2 middle pins, go into the analog 0 and 1 inputs of the arduino.

At the same...
Posted: 12 Apr 2013 03:00 AM PDT
Chiedo scusa smiley-sad
Posted: 12 Apr 2013 03:00 AM PDT

.fluid – A reactive surface via Fashioning Technology.
Imagine surfaces start to communicate with you. Your mobile gets goose skin when your lover texts you. Your WiFi controller changes the look and feel of it's surface according to different game situations. Your sofa gives you a short massage as a warm welcome when you return home from a hard day of work. Your laptop feels dried out when battery status is getting low.
.fluid is a concept study of an interacting, changing surface. While getting Input from the hands of its spectators, it's surface changes from liquid to solid, from plain to three-dimensional symmetric patterns. It provokes you to get in touch with it, to play with it's open interface and to collaborate with other people to find out how far you can push it.
Posted: 12 Apr 2013 02:35 AM PDT
Hello everybody,
My name is Antonello, I'm from Italy and I've started messing around with Arduino a few months ago. The project I'm currently trying to realize is a sound/laser trigger for my camera. Since I had to start from the very "abc" in electr...
Posted: 12 Apr 2013 02:34 AM PDT
Metti il codice.
Posted: 12 Apr 2013 02:33 AM PDT
Novità in cantiere per la 1.0.5
ARDUINO 1.0.5 - 2013.04.08


* [avr] malloc bug: backported avr-libc 1.8.0 implementation
* [avr] removed deprecated interrupt handlers causing compiler issues
  with newer avr-gcc.


* Upgrades to...
Posted: 12 Apr 2013 02:33 AM PDT

that's what i need.. Will try and report.
Posted: 12 Apr 2013 02:31 AM PDT
ti chiederei di usare i "quote" con più attenzione... è inutile citare l'intero messaggio di un utente, incluse le relative foto, se vuoi rispondere in generale ai punti che ha citato. Metti un semplice: "@nome_utente", come ho fatto io. Altri...
Posted: 12 Apr 2013 01:57 AM PDT

The AVR chip itself can monitor its own battery voltage. You have to set the analogReference ...
Posted: 12 Apr 2013 01:57 AM PDT
Posted: 12 Apr 2013 01:56 AM PDT
Suis-je clair dans mes explications
Ce que je comprend de la suite :
la carte sera fixée mécaniquement dans le flipper -> comme un flipper ça bouge il faudra souder les fils.
Question : les leds que la carte arduino devra allumer so...
Posted: 12 Apr 2013 01:55 AM PDT
what i mean stop responding , is that , i cant even ping to it , the mega is running fine, it connected in a hub , and the hub to my rooter
Posted: 12 Apr 2013 01:55 AM PDT
Posted: 12 Apr 2013 02:00 AM PDT
GSM gateway
Check out this discussion about a Raspberry Pi GSM gateway project over at
If you travel a lot, you'll be used to absurd roaming charges when you use your mobile phone. But sometimes your phone's an absolute necessity – those of us at the Foundation can't really go overseas for work or for holiday without paying those charges, because we need to be in touch with the office and with a lot of other people around the world who need to talk about things Pi. (And we like to be able to phone our mothers.)
Holger Leusch, Benjamin Reichel and Karina Hochstein have found themselves with a similar problem. Worse still, Holger travels to Cambodia a lot, and his German phone provider doesn't even have a roaming agreement with any of the Cambodian telcos, so he's not able to use his phone there at all. He found VoIP unusable in Cambodia, with patchy calls, lousy bandwidth, delays and dropouts. Like us, he needed to be in constant touch with his office.
Enter (you knew this was coming, didn't you?) the Pi.
Many of those in Holger's position would look into buying a SIP-based GSM gateway. GSM gateways are expensive things: Holger's research found that a single GSM port (and you'll need two, one at each end) was priced between €200 and €400. "For this to pay off, I would have to make a whole lot of phonecalls." So he, Benjamin and Karina built their own, using a Pi running RasPBX; a Huawei dongle for 3G; a Chan dongle which works as an Asterisk channel driver; and a USB modeswitch. The whole kit came to €75.
Holger says:
Now when a caller in Europe calls my german GSM number, first my domestic Snom phone rings, then after 5 seconds, my Cambodian mobile phone gets called. As a sideffect, my Cambodian friends from now on can call and SMS my German phone back at local rates of a few cents…
The connection quality over the 10.000 km spanning 64 kbps Asterisk SIP trunk between both gateways actually is so amazing that none of the callers even noticed that I was out of the country at the time! ….
Read more.

998Each Friday is PiDay here at Adafruit, be sure to check out our posts, tutorials and new Raspberry Pi related products. Have you tried the new "Adafruit Raspberry Pi Educational Linux Distro" ? It's our tweaked distribution for teaching electronics using the Raspberry Pi. But wait, there's more! Try our new Raspberry Pi WebIDE! The easiest way to learn programming on a Raspberry Pi.
Posted: 12 Apr 2013 01:53 AM PDT
» What Keeps Hacker and Maker Spaces Going? @ transfabric. Great article from 2012 -
Hackerspaces are place-based collectives where individuals learn through socialization, tinker with technology, develop skills and pool technical resources. But what's holding them together and moving them forward? Here are a few central themes drawn from my research in a western context that I am exploring, and would be particularly curious to explore internationally…
Read more.

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