viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2012

Arduino by Davis: “Printed Edition of The MagPi Magazine Project #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi” plus 19 more

Arduino by Davis: “Printed Edition of The MagPi Magazine Project #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi” plus 19 more

Link to Arduino by Davis

Printed Edition of The MagPi Magazine Project #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

Posted: 30 Nov 2012 02:00 AM PST

Here's a great project just launching on Kickstarter to bring the MagPi monthly online magazine, a labor of love, into the physical world:

The MagPi magazine has been published online each month since May 2012. Each 32 page magazine is created entirely by enthusiasts using the Raspberry Pi. It can be read online or downloaded for free from our website,, which receives 100,000 hits every month.

We have always wanted to make the magazine available in printed form, so we did a test print run of issue 6. The result was a large number of requests for all back issues to be printed. However there are significant upfront costs associated with professionally printing a magazine and a significant volume of magazines must be printed to get the price point to where we want it to be.

Read more.

I have been reading this magazine for the past three months and strongly recommend it! Grab a free PDF here to check it out!


Embroidered NeXTcube motherboard

Posted: 30 Nov 2012 01:33 AM PST

Re: Arduo Memory Reminder Medicine

Posted: 30 Nov 2012 01:40 AM PST

quindi per adesso vuoi continuare ad usare l'lcd-keypad shield? (usavi quello no?)

se dai un'occhiata allo schema, capirai che non ho usato alcuna shield, ma semplicemente un LCD nudo e puro, come tutti ...

Re: pacchi batterie in serie e possibili disturbi sulla massa (GND)

Posted: 30 Nov 2012 01:34 AM PST

Sì, infatti avevo immaginato una cosa del genere. E' ciò che ho fatto anch'io sul mio sistema di antifurto wireless, quando era tutto alimentato con una batteria, pur corposa, reggeva poco e si debilitava rapidamente. Proprio quest'anno ho adeguato il ...

Re: AS1130 First attempt - working

Posted: 30 Nov 2012 01:27 AM PST

I just want to know the difference between "Wire.begin(); " and "Wire.beginTransmission(AS1130ADDRESS)".
It's arduino code so there can nobody tell me I'm in the wrong topic smiley-razz

Re: alimentare arduino batteria auto

Posted: 30 Nov 2012 01:23 AM PST seconda smiley (cit. quelo)

alimentare arduino batteria auto

Posted: 30 Nov 2012 01:21 AM PST

Un saluto a tutti.

Ho letto da qualche parte (che non trovo più), ma forse mi sbaglio, che è possibile alimentare arduino direttamente a 12v e leggere i valori a 12v interpretandoli come HIGH.
E' fattibile la cosa o devo partizionare la tensione e por...

Re: OT - Ma è fantastico

Posted: 30 Nov 2012 01:09 AM PST

se vedi su ho linkato la lista dei materiali(già ordinati) ho previsto uno stepper in quan...

Re: Calling a function within a switch/case statement

Posted: 30 Nov 2012 01:07 AM PST

Ok, but how do I 'simulate' the data send by Labview to execute the case block?

This sketch works fine (also the uncommended code):

[code]#include <TFT_Graphics.h>

Graphics tft;

void setup()

Re: OT - Ma è fantastico

Posted: 30 Nov 2012 01:07 AM PST

se vedi su ho linkato la lista dei materiali(già ordinati) ho previsto uno stepper in quanto più preciso

Non ti serve una precisione millimetrica per questa appli...

Re: Tiny84(duino)

Posted: 30 Nov 2012 01:06 AM PST

Ive been plugging and unplugging with the power on . As long as the programming has finished it does not seem to do any harm. Probably reaching 1000 plug ins and pull outs this way with no bad results.

But then I am more of a risk taker than most

Re: [OT ITA] Lo spamm bar

Posted: 30 Nov 2012 01:01 AM PST

Dipende da quanto sei disposto ad alleggerire il portafoglio. Se è molto pesante non è un problema prendere una licenza, ma con la crisi che c'è credo che sia preferibile spend...

Raspberry Pi and TFT Display #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

Posted: 30 Nov 2012 01:00 AM PST

There are a number of interesting projects out there looking for other ways to get a display on Raspberry Pi without using the video or HDMI plugs. Check out this great tutorial from Mark Williams:

The 1.8″ TFT from Adafruit is the perfect display to attached to a Raspberry Pi.

The TFT isn't 'plug & play' with the Raspberry, a patch has to be applied to the kernel to be able to interface via SPI with the ST7735 controller chip on the TFT. Once working, the display will act as a framebuffer device.

I spent two weeks trying to get it working, so I thought I would document it to help others.

Thanks go to Kamal and Neil for responding to my emails & forum post, and their work on the ST7735 driver. Thanks also go to Adafruit for their cool products.

Read more.

Featured Adafruit Product!

ColorTFT LCD display

1.8″ 18-bit color TFT LCD display with microSD card breakout – ST7735R: This lovely little display breakout is the best way to add a small, colorful and bright display to any project. Since the display uses 4-wire SPI to communicate and has its own pixel-addressable frame buffer, it can be used with every kind of microcontroller. Even a very small one with low memory and few pins available! The 1.8″ display has 128×160 color pixels. Unlike the low cost "Nokia 6110″ and similar LCD displays, which are CSTN type and thus have poor color and slow refresh, this display is a true TFT! The TFT driver (ST7735R) can display full 18-bit color (262,144 shades!). And the LCD will always come with the same driver chip so there's no worries that your code will not work from one to the other. (read more)

Re: Capacitor location

Posted: 30 Nov 2012 12:40 AM PST

Are you using those chips as current sources or current sinks? If they're sinks you don't need so much decoupling.

Still, it's good to see people thumbing their noses at the surface mount pushers.

Re: 2 small dc motors with forward and reverse

Posted: 30 Nov 2012 12:40 AM PST

Yes, it is called an H-bridge.
You can implement one with transistors (bipolar or MOSFET) or with relays.

Re: cherche tuto debutant 433Mhz

Posted: 30 Nov 2012 12:38 AM PST

Ok, j'ai fais le test, c'est idem au code avec serial.
C'est à dire qu'il faut que je coupe l'alimentation et remette l'alimentation de la carte réceptrice pour que le nouveau code soit pris en compte, et donc que la led réagisse.

Re: OT - Ma è fantastico

Posted: 30 Nov 2012 12:38 AM PST

Come si costruisce il piano mobile??
vedi i progetti dolly per time lapse motore sulal cinghia con la pulley e due barre di ferro su cui far scorrere il piano di l...

Re: adding a Bluetooth USB Dongle to arduino ADK

Posted: 30 Nov 2012 12:35 AM PST

Do you have a usb bluetooth driver library for the ADK? I know that Circuits@Home's libraries support some (not all) bluetooth dongles for their USB host shield, but I don't know if there is an equivalent library for the ADK.

Re: Ayuda con lcd Serial-IIC-I2C y mi mega

Posted: 30 Nov 2012 12:14 AM PST

luego te podre dar mas información pero estas seguro que la direccion I2C es correcta? segun esto pone que 0x27 es para la versión 16x2

LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27,16,2); //set the LCD address to 0x27 for a 16 chars and 2 line display

creo que mis lcds ...

Re: Calling a function within a switch/case statement

Posted: 30 Nov 2012 12:13 AM PST

I just tried that and it works, so it seems that MyTFT() is executed.