sábado, 18 de mayo de 2013

Arduino by Davis: “Re: Aiuto per codice comunicazione IR” plus 19 more

Arduino by Davis: “Re: Aiuto per codice comunicazione IR” plus 19 more

Link to Arduino by Davis

Re: Aiuto per codice comunicazione IR

Posted: 18 May 2013 03:21 AM PDT

prima di tutto non darmi del lei.. smiley

intanti ti crei due variabili ipotiziamo,
int statoA=0;
int statoB=0;
poi passiamo allo sketch:
if ((stato == "kitt")&&(sta...

Colorduino with led matrix - not in sync error

Posted: 18 May 2013 03:19 AM PDT


I've recently acquired a Colorduino board :


with a led matrix.

When I upload the ...

Re: Progetto ReleDuino

Posted: 18 May 2013 03:15 AM PDT

Mi è sembrato di capire che vorresti usare I2c per connettere più schede tra loro, ma sai che non si possono superare certe lunghezze, vero?
Ho letto di amplificatori o rip...

Re: Cnc Laser progetto in costruzione

Posted: 18 May 2013 03:14 AM PDT

Il diodo laser con una cnc dovrebbe "bruciare" la parte del fotoresist la stessa cosa che farebbe il sistema con bromografo che brucia le parti non coperte sul master...

Re: OSX 10.8.3 und Mega2560, keine Kommunikation

Posted: 18 May 2013 03:14 AM PDT

Ich denke mal es ist der Clone. Für den Anfang sollte es reichen...

Ja, der Eintrag verschwindet.

Das steht in der Arduino software  (ich habe auch den 2560 in der Netzwerkkonfig, war aber nicht aktiviert, das habe ich einfach mal gemacht ...)

Binäre S...

Re: Zcd(500Hz) Sin(50Hz) change output Zcd to 50Hz

Posted: 18 May 2013 03:00 AM PDT

Let me get this straight...

You have 2 signals - a rectified sine wave for zero crossing detection, and a PWM square wave where the duty cycle gives you the temperature from a sensor?

Ok, you could, as has been mentioned, pass the ZCD detection signal ...

Re: Arduino und Threading

Posted: 18 May 2013 02:59 AM PDT

Im Prinzip sollte es laufen. Ich habe da nun wieder ein paar Fragen, da ich das Programm so nicht testen kann:

- Welche Arduino Version verwendest du ? Da du an vielen Stellen noch den Type byte verwendest, vermute ich das es nicht die neuste ist, da e...

Twitter-controlled Mood Lamp variable error

Posted: 18 May 2013 02:57 AM PDT

Hi everybody,

This is my first post on this board.

I've recently acquired a Wifi shield for my arduino uno R3 board and I'm currently trying to follow the Twitter-controlled Mood Lamp tutorial by the excellent Massimo Banzi :


Problema condensatore 10uF

Posted: 18 May 2013 02:56 AM PDT

Volevo chiedervi una cosa a titolo informativo..Nel mio progetto ho utilizzato la comunicazione seriale utilizzando la libreria phpSerialClass e per evitare l'auto-reset di arduino ho inserito un condensatore da 10uF tra gnd e reset...Tutto fu...

Re: pilotage d'un Stepper par L298N

Posted: 18 May 2013 02:55 AM PDT

Si on veut ne faire qu'une seule fois une ou une série d'instructions suite à une condition [if(...){], on utilise un drapeau (flag).
soit le flag F [boolean F = true;]
dans la boucle void(){
on a la condition A: [if(A... ){]
si celle-ci est re...

connection of servo to arduino uno with xbee

Posted: 18 May 2013 02:18 AM PDT

hello there,
i'm alya.i was trying to control a servo by arduino with 2 xbee..one xbee at pc to control the other xbee at the arduino.my problem is that, after i connect the servo to the arduino, my pc cant read the arduino."USB DEVICE IS NOT RECOGNIZE...

Re: Hallo brauche Hilfe

Posted: 18 May 2013 02:17 AM PDT


ich bin auch kein Profi aber als ich meine ersten Led und taster projekte hatte habe ich mir immer etwas von den Beispielen abgeguckt. Das ist sehr Hilfreich.

Das mit den 3 Gelben led´s ist einfach:
  Turns on an LED on for one ...

Re: l'ennesimo ritorno del speech to text

Posted: 18 May 2013 02:14 AM PDT

Microzozz ha pubblicato anche un engine text2speech in italiano ma per le vecchie versioni di Windows XP e risalgono a circa 10 anni fa.
In realtà si trattava di roba realizzata da altri ma che era stata messa gratuitamente a disposizione. L'ho anche u...

Re: Can this Sure GLCD use Arduino library

Posted: 18 May 2013 02:13 AM PDT

These displays must be very touchy or else I have been at this for too long today  smiley-lol I verified the wiring by checking the data sheet against the pin allocations on the serial monitor. After trying the config file uncommenting and reset line to Uno pi...

Re: Upload Probleme mit Micro

Posted: 18 May 2013 02:13 AM PDT

Das mit dem manuellen Reset klappt nur am alten XP Laptop. Und das auch nur mit viel probieren und mehreren Versuchen.
Das Problem ist, dass der beim manuellen Reset den Port nach den 10 Sekunden trennt, auch wenn ein Upload begonnen hat.

Was könnte de...

Re: Quetion dans la réflexion d'un projet ? moteur et capteur de position ?

Posted: 18 May 2013 01:52 AM PDT

Non les ports MLI n sont pas des variateurs de fréquence, comme leur nom l'indique (modulation par largeur d'impulsion), la fréquence reste constante, c'est le rapport cyclique qui varie. Quand on les utilise en MLI c'est l'intégration du signa...

Re: WT5001M02-28P another mp3/wav cheap sound module

Posted: 18 May 2013 01:52 AM PDT


It is possible to connect the files to buttons?
For example if i press button 1 it's gonna play the file 1, press 2  play file 2 and so on??
My second question is that i want to loop the sound files so when i press the button it is starting the fil...

Re: ho un problema con l'interfacciamento di un controller ps1 con arduino 1 rev

Posted: 18 May 2013 01:52 AM PDT

Bene se hai risolto edita il titolo del topic e aggiungi [RISOLTO]
Buon lavoro,


Re: Problem installing wifi shield - new to Arduino

Posted: 18 May 2013 01:51 AM PDT

What are you using to upload sketches?

Serial.print("\nHello World\n").

Will write to the serial port of the Arduino, which is connected to your PC by the USB cable. 

Click the little spy glass in the Arduino IDE to show the Serial monitor window.  No...

Re: Help me make sense of these bits - part 2

Posted: 18 May 2013 01:51 AM PDT

those bits seem rather problematic.  smiley-cry
i checked to see if i made some error, but doesn't seem like it.

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