viernes, 10 de mayo de 2013

Arduino by Davis: “Adafruit 16 Channel Servo Driver with Raspberry Pi From the Learning System #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi” plus 19 more

Arduino by Davis: “Adafruit 16 Channel Servo Driver with Raspberry Pi From the Learning System #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi” plus 19 more

Link to Arduino by Davis

Adafruit 16 Channel Servo Driver with Raspberry Pi From the Learning System #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

Posted: 10 May 2013 03:00 AM PDT


Servo motors are often driven using the PWM outputs available on most embedded MCUs. But while the Pi does have native HW support for PWM, there is only one PWM channel available to users at GPIO18. That kind of limits your options if you need to drive more than one servo or if you also want to dim an LED or do some sort of other PWM goodness as well. Thankfully … the PI does have HW I2C available, which we can use to communicate with a PWM driver like the PCA9685, used on Adafruit's 16-channel 12-bit PWM/Servo Driver!

Using this breakout, you can easily drive up to 16 servo motors on your Raspberry Pi using our painless Python library and this tutorial.

Note this cannot be used for driving anything other than analog (1-2 millisecond pulse drive) servos. DC motors, AC motors and digital servos are not going to work.

Check out the tutorial here!

Featured Adafruit Products


Adafruit 16-Channel 12-bit PWM/Servo Driver – I2C interface – PCA9685 – You want to make a cool robot, maybe a hexapod walker, or maybe just a piece of art with a lot of moving parts. Or maybe you want to drive a lot of LEDs with precise PWM output. Then you realize that your microcontroller has a limited number of PWM outputs! What now? You could give up OR you could just get this handy PWM and Servo driver breakout. (read more)

998Each Friday is PiDay here at Adafruit, be sure to check out our posts, tutorials and new Raspberry Pi related products. Have you tried the new "Adafruit Raspberry Pi Educational Linux Distro"? It's our tweaked distribution for teaching electronics using the Raspberry Pi. But wait, there's more! Try our new Raspberry Pi WebIDE! The easiest way to learn programming on a Raspberry Pi.

We now have Raspberry Pi Model B with 512MB RAM in stock and shipping now!

Re: Arduino Mega 2560 desn´t load the sketch due map() function

Posted: 10 May 2013 02:56 AM PDT

Maybe this may help, from the File menu, Preferences, Show verbose output during, check the box for upload.

If it show something like this during the failed upload?
avrdude: Recv: H [48]
avrdude: Recv: u [75]
avrdude: Recv: h [68]
avrdude: Re...

Re: Button switch - loop doesn't stop

Posted: 10 May 2013 02:54 AM PDT

There are some things about your code that are rather odd. 

Firstly, why is buttonState set to 5 ? 
I assume that the button is a digital on/off device so a reading from it is always going to be high or low, 1 or zero and never 5.  No harm will come ...

Re: Windows/Linux/Mac Eclipse plugin to compile and upload arduino sketches

Posted: 10 May 2013 02:54 AM PDT

This behavior is already implemented.
I have not seen this behavior on my system. Which OS are you using? Are you using 64 bit eclipse? Can you provide me the output of the menu->window->preferences->arduino->test dll
Best regards

Re: DS2450 auslesen

Posted: 10 May 2013 02:52 AM PDT

Das funktioniert auch nur solange die einzelnen Teilnehmer unterschiedliche Adressen haben !

Im Gegensatz zu I2C-Bauteile ist das bei den One-Wire-Chips gegebe...

Re: lampada led rgb

Posted: 10 May 2013 02:51 AM PDT

quando premo il tasto del telecomando mi entra in modalità "dissolvenza" e continui a cambiare i colori. non sono molto ferrato nella programmazione il ciclo for sto cercando ora di capirlo un po smiley-lol

Re: bluetooth low energy

Posted: 10 May 2013 01:57 AM PDT

Che vuol dire X iscrizione?

Re: ABC - Arduino Basic Connections

Posted: 10 May 2013 01:56 AM PDT

Come funziona l'abaco? smiley-neutral

Estratto dalla stessa rivista  smiley-grin

Re: Fastest U32 divide by 10 routine

Posted: 10 May 2013 01:56 AM PDT

mmm ...

the volatile x  to prevent too much compiler optimization in the timing code will not be the final micros() function
and as x is used several times ... we can rewrite ...

Re: Drawing current from 5v

Posted: 10 May 2013 01:56 AM PDT

Use the rule of thumb:

Put your thumb on the Arduino regulator. If it's hot, use an external regulator.

Re: [AIUTO] Sensore ultrasuono con beep retromarcia

Posted: 10 May 2013 01:56 AM PDT

leggi il sensore di distanza, e in base al valore letto diminuisci il delay. per il cicalino vedi la libreria Tone

NTSC/PAL (Television) TFT Display – 2.0″ Diagonal #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

Posted: 10 May 2013 01:30 AM PDT


Featured Adafruit Products

NTSC/PAL (Television) TFT Display – 2.0″ Diagonal – Yes, this is an adorable miniature television! The visible display measures only 2.0″ diagonal, the TFT comes with a NTSC/PAL driver board. The display is very easy to use – simply connect 6-15VDC to the red and black wires, then connect a composite video source to the yellow and black wire. Voila, a television display! There's a little button to adjust the LED backlight brightness (5 levels) – there is no other adjustment available but we found that the color and contrast look great right out of the box.

To demonstrate it, we took some photos with the display connected to a Raspberry Pi, but it will also work connected to any analog composite-video output such as a YBox or Propeller w/Video out. It will not work with a device that only outputs VGA, HDMI or any other digital video signal.

Please note, these miniature displays are very delicate and require care to avoid ripping the delicate flex connector. These are best used by electronics geeks who have experience and are comfortable working with delicate electronic components. WE CANNOT REPLACE DAMAGED DISPLAYS if you are not careful and rip the flex connector! (read more)

Re: Interrupt, questo sconosciuto!!!

Posted: 10 May 2013 12:46 AM PDT

Per il software non lo so, ma a livello hardware i rimbalzi li elimini piuttosto facilmente (a meno che non usi pulsanti residuo della seconda guerra punica smiley-wink smiley-grin) ... usi resistenze di pulldown da 10K, quindi quelle ci sono gia, mettici in parallelo d...

Windows 8 driver install "missing hash file"

Posted: 10 May 2013 12:43 AM PDT

I am trying to install the ftdi drivers, but the device manager returns the error:
" The hash for the file is not present in the specified catalog file. the file is likely corrupt or the victim of tampering".

I have tried previous versions too with no ...

Re: Projektvorstellung: einfache Threads auf dem Arduino mit Hilfe von Makros

Posted: 10 May 2013 12:41 AM PDT

Sorry für die schlaflose Nacht, aber als Student bist es ja gewohnt  smiley-wink

Das mit den 3 Bits ist nun klarer, danke. Um schnell Bits auslesen zu können ist immer noch Shiften die bessere Wahl.
Könntest auch direkt die Funktionen  bitWrite(), bitSet(), bit...

Re: Windows/Linux/Mac Eclipse plugin to compile and upload arduino sketches

Posted: 10 May 2013 12:41 AM PDT

Jantje, one more thing:

When I try to upload a new program to my Due, the bossac often reports "No device found on COMx". According to,141628.0.html this is an issue with performing a hard reset in the bossac on...

Re: Interrupt, questo sconosciuto!!!

Posted: 10 May 2013 12:40 AM PDT

grazie per il test,
probabilmente si tratta di problemi di DEBOUNCE.
Ho visto che hai aggiunto queste due istruzioni:
    pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode(3, INPUT_PULLUP);
servono veramente?

Vorrei riprodurre in qualche modo la situazione per cui...

Raspberry Pi as a Media Center From the Adafruit Learning System #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

Posted: 10 May 2013 12:00 AM PDT


The low cost and full HD video playing capabilities of the Raspberry Pi make it ideal for building your own media center. This will allow you to play music and videos through your Raspberry Pi onto a TV.

The advantage of using a Raspberry Pi, is that all the software can be configured and modified in whatever way you want.

In this tutorial we will show you how to set your Raspberry Pi up as a media centre and in the next tutorial you will find out how you can use the Raspberry Pi's GPIO connector to add a IR remote facility.

Check out the tutorial here!

Featured Adafruit Products


Miniature Wireless USB Keyboard with Touchpad – Add a miniature wireless controller to your computer project with this combination keyboard and touchpad. We found the smallest wireless USB keyboard available, a mere 6″ x 2.4″ x 0.5″ (152mm x 59mm x 12.5mm)! It's small but usable to make a great accompaniment to a computer such as the Beagle Bone or Raspberry Pi. The keyboard itself is battery powered (there's a rechargeable battery inside that you charge up via the included USB cable). The keyboard communicates back to the computer via 2.4 GHz wireless link (not Bluetooth). (read more)

998Each Friday is PiDay here at Adafruit, be sure to check out our posts, tutorials and new Raspberry Pi related products. Have you tried the new "Adafruit Raspberry Pi Educational Linux Distro"? It's our tweaked distribution for teaching electronics using the Raspberry Pi. But wait, there's more! Try our new Raspberry Pi WebIDE! The easiest way to learn programming on a Raspberry Pi.

We now have Raspberry Pi Model B with 512MB RAM in stock and shipping now!

Re: Arduino-Oszilloskop - [Nano Version]

Posted: 09 May 2013 11:45 PM PDT

no problem smiley-grin

It's pretty simple to calculate the FPS rate:  FPS = (plotted values per seconds) / (graph width)
so... each pixel of the graph (in width direction) represents one value.

my pseudo code:


While (1)

; plot a Pixel

Re: progettare un navigatore per disabili

Posted: 09 May 2013 11:44 PM PDT

Ora l'obiettivo è più chiaro e uwefed ha fatto la stessa osservazione che avrei fatto io. Farei anche la distinzione tra chi può far uso delle braccia e chi no o, meglio, tra chi può essere in grado di pilotare il veicolo e chi no.

L'esempio dell'a380 ...

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