viernes, 31 de mayo de 2013

Arduino by Davis: “@MITnews Meet the maker – “MIT alumna Limor Fried has become a pioneer of the ‘maker movement’”” plus 19 more

Arduino by Davis: “@MITnews Meet the maker – “MIT alumna Limor Fried has become a pioneer of the ‘maker movement’”” plus 19 more

Link to Arduino by Davis

@MITnews Meet the maker – “MIT alumna Limor Fried has become a pioneer of the ‘maker movement’”

Posted: 31 May 2013 03:02 AM PDT

Adafruit 1573
Meet the maker "MIT alumna Limor Fried has become a pioneer of the 'maker movement'".

It's a dream of many hobbyists: turning their leisure pursuits into a lucrative business. That's what happened for MIT alumna Limor Fried '03, MEng '05, whose pastime — tinkering with electronics — not only gave rise to a profitable company, but also positioned her as a leader of a technology revolution.

Since childhood, Fried has built, tweaked and otherwise modified (or "hacked") electronic devices, sometimes creating her own unique gadgets. Eventually, at MIT and beyond, she would sell these products — while freely sharing their design plans online — through her startup, Adafruit Industries.

Read more.

Pi Camera – Boot Up Timelaspe #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

Posted: 31 May 2013 03:00 AM PDT



While I have not had time to properly play around with the new Raspberry Pi camera, I did create a quick time lapse video with it.

A week or so later during some twitter based Camera discussions with @RasPiTV @RPiSpy, we had @_smstext join in. His question was how to get a time lapse to start automatically on power up.

What a great idea, I already had to use my "porta-pi" set-up [a portable DVD Player with some internal modifications to connect to the Raspberry Pi] to perform the time-lapse, where it would be MUCH easier to simply place the Raspberry Pi in location, plug-in a standard mobile phone charger power pack and off it goes! Challenge accepted!

Source code and more here!

Featured Adafruit Products


Raspberry Pi Camera Board – The Raspberry Pi Camera Module is a custom designed add-on for Raspberry Pi. It attaches to Raspberry Pi by way of one of the two small sockets on the board upper surface. This interface uses the dedicated CSI interface, which was designed especially for interfacing to cameras. The CSI bus is capable of extremely high data rates, and it exclusively carries pixel data. (read more)

Re: ez expander : mettre un programme

Posted: 31 May 2013 02:53 AM PDT

bonjour bonjour,

j ai trouvé ce code :

[code]int current;
int highest = 350;
int latchPin = 8;
int clockPin = 12;
int dataPin = 11;
int volume[9] = {0b00000000, 0b00000001, 0b00000011, 0b00000111,
                 0b00001111, 0b00011111, 0b00111111, 0b...

Re: Matematici a me: Prescaler e divisore DS1077

Posted: 31 May 2013 02:52 AM PDT

Ho trovato il mio uomo: LTC1799 della Linear.

E' un coso fantastico, ultrastabile con una semplice resistenza e pompa fino a 33MHz.

Ma la cosa migliore è che è regolabile finemente senza soluzione di continuità, e non granulare come il DS1077.

La compa...

cant send program to microcontroller

Posted: 31 May 2013 02:51 AM PDT

avrdude: verification error, first mismatch at byte 0x0002
         0x61 != 0x62
avrdude: verification error; content mismatch
Getting this error when trying to upload a program into atmega 328 using arduino uno rev3. Using arduino for widows on window...

Re: Arduino WiFi shield + Python

Posted: 31 May 2013 02:51 AM PDT

What device are you sending this to?
You are sending this whether there is a client connected or not?

Re: NEO 6M GPS & Arduino UNO

Posted: 31 May 2013 02:50 AM PDT

When I open the Binary Console in u-center I can see output that is similar to the garbage around the useful info so I assume there is something I need to filter out?[/...

Re: Arduino WiFi shield + Python

Posted: 31 May 2013 02:31 AM PDT

Not sure if this is the best way, but below are my changes to the loop procedure, I'm guessing it is mixing receive and transmit data, so I added some delays before running each block within the loop procedure

[code]void loop() {
  if (cnt > 1...

Incrémenter une valeur par un appui sur un bouton

Posted: 31 May 2013 02:30 AM PDT

Bonjour à tous.

 je suis débutant en programmation et encore plus en électronique, donc navré pour le pavé de code indigeste et le manque de précisions à venir  smiley-roll-sweat

 Plateforme = Arduino UNO R3
 Projet = Contrôle de température et de t...

Re: How to turn Atmel MCU into a brick with wrong fuse value?

Posted: 31 May 2013 02:30 AM PDT

Just to give you an example of bricking a chip.

During the last week I have managed to brick a ATtiny85 at least 5 times.
What I was trying to do was setting the fuses to use an external 32.768 x-tal.
The result was that the tiny was not responding to...

Re: Inertial sensors

Posted: 31 May 2013 02:28 AM PDT

Yes, you could even add a magnetometer and a barometer to it. I think that is called 10DOF.

Many digital sensors have a I2C interface. Many sensors can be connected to the same ...

Re: Ardutester - Arduino Component Tester

Posted: 31 May 2013 02:27 AM PDT

Lo so che sono in ritardo ma le cose stanno andando avanti  smiley-grin
Ho aggiunto tutta la parte di gestione sulla P version di Paolo
Per funzionare funziona, adesso devo solo finire di implementare...

Remote Presence Platform #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

Posted: 31 May 2013 02:00 AM PDT

From the MadSci website:

The Madsci "Remote Presence" platform is a Lab research project to explore quick, inexpensive, and easy deploying of remote-controlled interactions.

Servos, motors, actuators, etc are controlled remotely via web browser.

The project is developed with RaspberryPi and uses Spacebrew. We are developing two pieces:

A RaspberryPi based hardware unit, enabling control of 16 servos and 4 AC relays, as well as a web cam.

A Javascript client, allowing for dynamic creation of control widgets.

Communication between the two pieces is enabled by Spacebrew.

All code will be made available very soon …

Check out the website here!

998Each Friday is PiDay here at Adafruit, be sure to check out our posts, tutorials and new Raspberry Pi related products. Have you tried the new "Adafruit Raspberry Pi Educational Linux Distro"? It's our tweaked distribution for teaching electronics using the Raspberry Pi. But wait, there's more! Try our new Raspberry Pi WebIDE! The easiest way to learn programming on a Raspberry Pi.

We now have Raspberry Pi Model B with 512MB RAM in stock and shipping now!

MOVED: how to program arduino to deal with analog signal pattern in real time?

Posted: 31 May 2013 01:51 AM PDT

Re: Sto giocando con USBasp ma..............

Posted: 31 May 2013 01:51 AM PDT

Il team ha deciso di mettere un -D nella procedura di caricamento sketch, ma in realta' non essendo possibile fare un -e e' inutile averlo messo. (

Invece è indispe...

Re: extra RAM on Arduino Due

Posted: 31 May 2013 01:51 AM PDT

I don't understand all you're talking about, but it confirms that it's possible to add parallel SRAM, with high performances.

Pito, could you explain me something I don't understand (I already think about the library I'll have to write) :
You're te...

Re: Trouble shooting help

Posted: 31 May 2013 01:50 AM PDT

You can attach a file.

Anyway the error has to be before line 29.


Re: Upload sketch through FTDI to Arduino Micro?

Posted: 31 May 2013 01:49 AM PDT

ha! thx hiduino!
grrrr also didn't thought about that!
So I change the whole layout and will have to plugs, one for pin connection and one usb connection to upload new sketches.

thanks to all!

Re: how to program arduino to deal with analog signal pattern in real time?

Posted: 31 May 2013 01:40 AM PDT

You will need to shift the signals

the signal was shifted...and it it is between 0 - 5 volt

Re: How to erase WHITE TEXT from a PCB

Posted: 31 May 2013 01:40 AM PDT

The reason I say that you don't want them in anything but an isolated fire buffer is that those chemicals are toxic... to most of the body, liver spleen and kidneys. Reall...

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