domingo, 26 de mayo de 2013

Arduino by Davis: “close a circuit using the arduino card” plus 19 more

Arduino by Davis: “close a circuit using the arduino card” plus 19 more

Link to Arduino by Davis

close a circuit using the arduino card

Posted: 26 May 2013 02:47 AM PDT

My question is simple , I need the Arduino card to close a circuit between 2 wires connected directly to the card  (running a low DC voltage) upon computer command .
I have read the thread,4360.0.html but ...

Re: Error assigning hex address array

Posted: 26 May 2013 02:46 AM PDT

To work out the number of elements in an array at run time 2 things must be known.
1.  The total number of bytes used by the array.  This is returned by the sizeof() function with the array as the parameter.
2.  The size of each array element.  This is...

Re: Domande di un neofita

Posted: 26 May 2013 02:45 AM PDT

si si li avevo visti, solo che no avevo capito come dargli i comandi (credevo via PWM), ora che ho letto che li prende direttamente via dati e che unsigned int ha 16 bit mi è tutto più chiaro, dunque il limite massimo è 16 bit? non che mi serve ma se v...

Re: New Project: Small Distance gauge

Posted: 26 May 2013 02:44 AM PDT

Pretty much, except that the two if statements should be an if / else statement.

It's only a minor point, but it would be better to replace the hard-coded number 9 with the calculated length of the array e.g.

const int threshholdCount = sizeof(t...

Re: Arduino for data acquisition

Posted: 26 May 2013 02:42 AM PDT

Many thanks.

Re: How to make 32 LED's each come on 1@a time for 3 sec each?

Posted: 26 May 2013 02:36 AM PDT

But even the 42V 350mA constant current power supply I bought is enough to fry them.
Yes of course it is. You have an LED with an absolute maximum current of 240mA and you push 350mA through it then yes it will fry.
You should never run...

Re: 433 MHZ Module mit hoher Reichweite ?

Posted: 26 May 2013 02:35 AM PDT

PS: Ich will nicht meckern, steht mir auch nicht zu da ich ein Newbie hier bin.
       Aber könnte man diesem deutschem Forum Bereich Rubriken einbauen, dies würde alle...

Re: Fan Controller for Computers

Posted: 26 May 2013 02:35 AM PDT

your right I was simplifing it, basically its 6 half H bridges regulated by the PWM signal.

Or in other words, a transistor.

Re: Having difficulty understanding OHMs and AMPs

Posted: 26 May 2013 02:33 AM PDT

Re: Automotive Compression Tester

Posted: 26 May 2013 02:33 AM PDT

My manifold pressure sensor responds as fast as I can read it - on some installations people have even added mechanical restrictors to reduce the effect of sound waves bouncing around the system. Mine is only rated to 2 bar because that's all the boost...

Re: nRF24L01+ and roles

Posted: 26 May 2013 01:49 AM PDT

Pipes are part of the communication process. I think you need to read the documentation and ask questions until you understand all of the library you are trying to use.
If you don't I doubt that your success will be what you planned.

Re: Having difficulty understanding OHMs and AMPs

Posted: 26 May 2013 01:48 AM PDT

Try it in pictures I have drawn this for you:-

Re: Fotoisolatore 6n138 (led/fototransistor Darlingnton) alla tensione di rete 220V

Posted: 26 May 2013 01:48 AM PDT

che applicazione devi fare?

Re: dati sulla diffusione di arduino

Posted: 26 May 2013 01:48 AM PDT

Le schede vendute te lo possono solo dire direttamente dall'Arduino  smiley-wink
Ma non so se chiedendoglielo te lo comunicano..

Riguardo agli utenti del forum, per certo puoi solo sapere il numero di utenti registrati.
Non tutti specificano il Paese in cui viv...

Re: Pushing axles into bearings

Posted: 26 May 2013 01:46 AM PDT

In a bore of only 3 mm the thickness of the caliper blades will necessarily cause a significant underestimate.  I suspect that the bearing is the right size for a press fit on your shaft.  As others have said, you can use temperature to help, but no ma...

Re: Zeit wird in Pong Clock nicht gespeichert

Posted: 26 May 2013 12:49 AM PDT

Gibt es einen anderen Sketch zum Testen des DS1307?

Für DS1307 gibt es ca. 100 Libraries.
Mit Wire allein kannst du auch den Uhrenspeicher direkt ansprechen, zum Sehen ob der DS1307 richtig angeschlossen ist.

Schau dir die Library deiner...

Re: Light organ with software filter for different spectrums.

Posted: 26 May 2013 12:47 AM PDT

i would like to build it as i described with an AnalogInput with a timerinterupt to sample the frequencys
You can't build it like you said because the arduino can not sample the A/D fast enough. About 10K is all you can get.

Re: Funkgerät mit dem Arduino leonardo oder anderen

Posted: 26 May 2013 12:46 AM PDT

Da gibts doch...

..die Möglichkeit Töne über die PMR Funkgeräte zu übertragen.

z.B. dickes C, Best nr. 933037 - 62

Also müsste mit dem Arduino ein Ansteuern der Sendefunktion und ein Versenden von Tonfolgen zu realisieren sein.

Was hast Du vor? U'nd, w...

Re: Arduino for data acquisition

Posted: 26 May 2013 12:43 AM PDT

The arduino and every other processor only works on single rail voltages.
So to deal with split rail voltages you have to either convert them to single rail or use external A/D and D/A chips.
You will need to use an op amp to convert the 0 to 5V output...

Re: how to show thermistor data whitout loop on tft

Posted: 26 May 2013 12:43 AM PDT

ive got 2 pages on my tft but only whant the data show on one page
and if i write myGLCD.printNumI(val, 750, 255,1); in loop it shows on both pages and updates fine
but if i write it in my void mainscr() it only writes it in the page i whant but it wo...

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