Re: Tps de cycle interruption Posted: 27 Jun 2013 03:01 AM PDT |
Re: A year on 9V battery, how to convert voltage ? Posted: 27 Jun 2013 02:59 AM PDT Thanks for all your answers. Lithium 9V batteries are sometimes 1200mAh. For example smoke detectors will run for many years on those. Corrosion can be easily avoided with pcb spray (I use SK10 flux spray). The cheap 433MHz transmitter uses less than 1... |
Re: Attachinterrupt question Posted: 27 Jun 2013 02:59 AM PDT It's Open Source so you can always study the implementation. Here it is with the code to enable and disable the specific interrupt removed: [code] static volatile voidFuncPtr intFunc[EXTERNAL_NUM_INTERRUPTS]; void attachInterrupt(uint8_t interruptNum,... |
Re: serial communication Posted: 27 Jun 2013 02:55 AM PDT Quote The arduino can *send* serial data to a TTL device and the serial monitor on the same serial port no problem. As long as the data doesn't confuse the hell out of the TTL device. It can NOT receive data from both at the same time, and ha... |
Re: [Update] Tellurium: serial monitor Posted: 27 Jun 2013 02:52 AM PDT Hex output has been added. The options are: * ascii (as received from the serial port) * hex You can specify the number of hex characters to appear per line via a trackbar / text control. I have updated the download link, as I changed the installer na... |
3D Printshow announces events in London, Paris and New York #3DThursday #3DPrinting Posted: 27 Jun 2013 03:00 AM PDT Last year's 3D Printshow in London (see video from the BBC below) such a success, its organizers are planning more 3D Printshow editions all across the world. 3D Printshow announces events in London, Paris and New York, via Attendees could enjoy live demonstrations, workshops and seminars showcasing design, fashion, art, food, archaeology & Medical science. All products are produced using 3D printing. For supporting the growth and education of young people across the UK, Europe and the USA, the 3D Printshow Education Session on Friday 7th November (London) and Friday 15th (Paris), NYC (dates tbc) features a lineup of interactive workshops developed specifically to engage and stimulate young minds. This session will be free of charge to anyone that works in education and for any school or university bringing students to attend the show. 3D Printshow are also going to give every comprehensive school that brings more than thirty-five students a free 3D Printer to take back to their design department. "The challenge is not just inspiring future generations, it's about giving them the tools to create and supporting their ability to learn." says 3D Printshow founder Kerry Hogarth. Read more. |
Re: Avrdude: not in sync - can't program Pro mini 5v 16mhz Posted: 27 Jun 2013 02:51 AM PDT I will write you a detailed answer when I get home. I hope I am able to help you |
Re: ENC28J60 cinese Posted: 27 Jun 2013 02:51 AM PDT Grazie per le risposte e ho capito di aver fatto una cavolata ma almeno sono sicuro di non dover pagare costi aggiuntivi. Scusate per l'OT ma sono nuovo
Quella s... |
Re: Tps de cycle interruption Posted: 27 Jun 2013 02:49 AM PDT Oups remplacer penaud par temp3 dans les codes que j'ai joins |
Re: Issues with runnning TEA5767 and nixies at same time Posted: 27 Jun 2013 02:46 AM PDT Quote I am using an Arduino Mega 2560 for this project. Then, why this comment? Code: // Grounding on virtual pins 14 and 15 (analog pins 0 and 1) will set the Hour and Mins. Digital pins 14 and 15 on the Mega are hardware serial port... |
Re: Websocket http su sd Posted: 27 Jun 2013 02:46 AM PDT che ti dia differenti socket non è un problema... fintanto che raggiunta la 4° connessione ti assegni ancora socket le porte in uscita sono scelte a random dal SO, ma possono anche essere espressamente richieste (mai vista una richiesta esplicita, m... |
Re: FFT audio... Posted: 27 Jun 2013 01:56 AM PDT Bonsoir, Alors j'étais déjà tombé sur cet article mais il ne donne pas de précision concernant l'entrée analogique de l'arduino et la sortie audio (prise casque par exemple... |
3D-Printed Fashion Jacket Created With Blender and an Ultimaker 3D Printer #3DThursday #3DPrinting Posted: 27 Jun 2013 02:00 AM PDT 3D-Printed Fashion Jacket Created With Blender and an Ultimaker 3D Printer, via BlenderNation. Art couture designer Larisa Katz and 3D designer Patrick Römgens used Blender and an Ultimaker 3D Printer to create a jacket. The work was featured on the Royal Ascot Ladies' Day this June 2013 in London. Patrick writes: For this project we've used a Rapman 3.2 Ultimate Kit and an Ultimaker Rev. 3. and lots of flexible and normal PLA filament. Both have been printing for almost 3 weeks non stop (seriously 24/7) to get this project done. As the article on mentions, we've started with taking a full body 3D scan of Larisa. This was done with Skanect 1.4 and a Carmine 1.09 from Primesense and gave amazing results. We than polished the scan and removed things we didn´t need from it and that´s where the Blender-'pleasure' started…. The freestyle working environment of Blender was really what this project needed, it would´ve been impossible to create this jacket on CAD programs or other not so advanced 3D modeling software, Blender was the only package that gave me the full mountain of tools to get this natural and organic looking jacket modeled. Read more.
Every Thursday is #3dthursday here at Adafruit! The DIY 3D printing community has passion and dedication for making solid objects from digital models. Recently, we have noticed electronics projects integrated with 3D printed enclosures, brackets, and sculptures, so each Thursday we celebrate and highlight these bold pioneers! Have you considered building a 3D project around an Arduino or other microcontroller? How about printing a bracket to mount your Raspberry Pi to the back of your HD monitor? And don't forget the countless LED projects that are possible when you are modeling your projects in 3D! The Adafruit Learning System has dozens of great tools to get you well on your way to creating incredible works of engineering, interactive art, and design with your 3D printer! If you've made a cool project that combines 3D printing and electronics, be sure to let us know, and we'll feature it here! |
Re: Pull-up for Arcade Button Posted: 27 Jun 2013 01:51 AM PDT Both will work equally well, if a pullup is required.
No. In the first circuit there is a time when the input line floats and so makes it susceptible to inte... |
Re: stufo di non capirci nulla :) Posted: 27 Jun 2013 01:49 AM PDT Fosse per me, il parlamentare lo farei diventare un lavoro qualunque, con uno stipendio in linea con quello medio di impiegati ed operai, ma qui poi entriamo in un terreno moooolto spinoso ed andiamo abbondantemente fuori OT. ] Resta il concetto esp... |
Re: Resistance wire for measuring position? Posted: 27 Jun 2013 01:47 AM PDT Quote Do you think with this kind of setup I could measure the position at ~1mm precision? I don't think you will get it that precise. |
Re: Presentazioni nuovi iscritti, fatevi conoscere da tutti! Posted: 27 Jun 2013 01:44 AM PDT Salve a tutti, mi sono appena iscritto nel forum Ho iniziato quest'anno a scuola a utilizzare l'arduino. Studio informatico e quindi di base conosco C e C++, quindi è perfetto per sperimentare un pò di programmazione. Le mie conoscenze di elettronica... |
Re: Arduini due + wifi shield ufficilae r3 con protocollo UDP Posted: 27 Jun 2013 01:44 AM PDT l errore che vi ho riportato me lo ha dato con la 1.5.2....ora sto provando a scaricare la nightly builds e ti facccio sapere |
Legislating for Headlines Makes you Look Like a Jerk #3DThursday #3DPrinting Posted: 27 Jun 2013 01:00 AM PDT Check out this piece from Michael Weinberg of Public Knowledge that points out, with humor and clear logic, that: "Introducing laws that regulate 3D printing before figuring out what 3D printing is will not lead to success." Legislating for Headlines Makes you Look Like a Jerk, from Public Knowledge: Occasionally, lawmakers are motivated more by their desire to get a headline than their desire to make good policy. All of the attention that 3D printing has been getting lately makes it a tempting target for just that impulse. There have already been a handful of bills at the local, state, and national level introduced with some connection to 3D printing and guns. But a recent bill out of New York City stands out as a shining example of legislating for a headline without taking a moment to understand the substance. Why is 3D Printing in this Bill? The bill, introduced by New York City Council Members Lewis A. Fidler, Letitia James, Margaret Chin, Domenic M. Recchia, Jr., Leroy Comrie, Mark Weprin, Annabel Palma, Helen D. Foster, Gale A. Brewer, Maria Del Carmen Arroyo, Inez E. Dickens, Robert Jackson, Andy King, Peter A. Koo, G. Oliver Koppell, Brad S. Lander, Rosie Mendez, Deborah L. Rose, and Albert Vann is four pages long but you can stop at the beginning. It starts by adding a new definition to the administrative code of the city of New York. That definition is for "Three-dimensional printer": "A computer-driven machine capable of producing a three-dimensional object from a digital model." Why does this definition betray shameless headline chasing on behalf of Council Members Fidler, James, Chin, Recchia, Comrie, Weprin, Palma, Foster, Brewer, Del Carmen Arroyo, Dickens, Jackson, King, Koo, Koppell, Lander, Mendez, Rose, and Vann? A 3D printer is "a computer-driven machine capable of producing a three-dimensional object from a digital model," isn't it? Sure. But so is every other modern manufacturing machine. A CNC mill fits that definition. As do laser cutters. So do industrial arms that build cars on assembly lines. And robots. And, for that matter, automated crochet knitting machines…. Read more. |
Re: Conteggio impulsi tra due segnali di trigger Posted: 27 Jun 2013 01:02 AM PDT Per leggere gli impulsi non dovresti avere problema, al massimo arriveresti ad una frequenza di 8kHz. |
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