lunes, 3 de junio de 2013

Arduino by Davis: “5, 4, 3, 2, 1 About Andrew Dawes” plus 19 more

Arduino by Davis: “5, 4, 3, 2, 1 About Andrew Dawes” plus 19 more

Link to Arduino by Davis

5, 4, 3, 2, 1 About Andrew Dawes

Posted: 03 Jun 2013 03:00 AM PDT

Andy DawesAndrew Dawes is teaching our new Training Camp: Introduction to Arduino. By day, Andy is an Assistant Professor of Physics at Pacific University, where he leads a group of undergraduate research students in several fields of physics: atom cooling and trapping, pattern-forming nonlinear optics, slow- and fast-light, and the application of optical systems to quantum information science (I'm sure he will translate that in the Camp). By night, he builds robots, teaches himself 3-D printing and is a proud father of three.

Read the full article on MAKE

Tweetosapien: Hack a Robosapien With Arduino to React to Tweets

Posted: 03 Jun 2013 03:00 AM PDT

robosapien-pcbBored of your favorite Twitter client ? No problem, here's the solution ! In this post we are going to explain how to control the awesome WowWee Robosapien with a wirelessly connected Arduino to trigger some actions on the robot through a specific Twitter hashtag.

Read the full article on MAKE

Making Sense Of The Internet Of Things by @mattturck #makerbusiness

Posted: 03 Jun 2013 03:00 AM PDT

Making Sense Of The Internet Of Things @ TechCrunch.

The emerging Internet of Things — essentially, the world of physical devices connected to the network/Internet, from your Fitbit or Nest to industrial machines — is experiencing a burst of activity and creativity that is getting entrepreneurs, VCs and the press equally excited.

The space looks like a boisterous hodgepodge of smart hobbyists, new startups and large corporations that are eager to be a part of what could be a huge market, and all sorts of enabling products and technologies, some of which, including crowdfunding and 3D printing, are themselves far from established.

1289 Lrg
Adafruit's Internet of Things printers for Arduino and Raspberry Pi.

940 Med-2
Adafruit's Nimbus the friendly internet of things cloud.

Re: [OT] Alimentatore da banco

Posted: 03 Jun 2013 02:58 AM PDT

soldout  smiley-grin

In pratica meno di 60 minuti per piazzarli tutti  smiley-grin

Re: I'm new & here's my plan

Posted: 03 Jun 2013 02:58 AM PDT

I welcome all comments and mockery ...

Sounds good, I made beer once. Perhaps I needed a little more practice. smiley-wink

Re: Problème transfert de programme (time out) Arduino Mega 2560 urgent

Posted: 03 Jun 2013 02:57 AM PDT


Si il y a bien quelque chose que je ne comprendrai jamais c'est les gens qui - pour un rien - veulent tout foutre en l'air dans l'espoir que ça remarche au plus vite.
Si tu dois rendre ton projet pour le 6, tenter une mise à jour du convertiss...

Re: [OT] Alimentatore da banco

Posted: 03 Jun 2013 02:56 AM PDT

Si, e' quello che intendevo anch'io ... in quele modifiche mancano come minimo:

1) una rete di filtraggio e stabilizzazione extra per la parte regolazioni
2) un filtro un...

Re: IR Rotary encoder - Debug

Posted: 03 Jun 2013 02:55 AM PDT

I don't expect you to do anything for me, I'm asking you to help me because I am struggling to do it.

When over the white part, it reads a value between 30 and 35, over the black part it reads 0 or 1. That is the value of sensorValue.

The value of last...

Re: Induttanzimetro e Capacimetro con Arduino

Posted: 03 Jun 2013 02:37 AM PDT

lui per la seconda lettura pilota un relé, nel quale si deve premurare di mettere prima il componente, è anche vero che questo relé ticchettirebbe in continuazione ed inutilmente, se così fosse, quindi l'idea di un pulsante che avvi la procedura una vo...

Re: [OT] Alimentatore da banco

Posted: 03 Jun 2013 02:36 AM PDT

@Michele Menniti
KORAD KA3005D vs KA3005P, duale vs singolo, bella questione! A guardare sarei tentato anche io. Molto utile il duale, sopratutto nei test che faccio io. Al lavoro ci metto di meno a convincere qualcuno a comprare due alimentatori sing...

Re: Things you always wanted to know but never dared to ask

Posted: 03 Jun 2013 02:33 AM PDT

Original Poster - the person who started the thread.  Sort if " back to the subject" after the thread has gone a bit away from the original question

Re: IR Rotary encoder - Debug

Posted: 03 Jun 2013 02:33 AM PDT

int powerPinSender= 7;
int powerPinReceiver = 6;

int sensorPin = A0;
boolean stripe = HIGH;
boolean lastStripe = HIGH;
int sensorValue = 0;
int value = 0;

void setup()
  pinMode(powerPinSender, OUTPUT);

Re: Induttanzimetro e Capacimetro con Arduino

Posted: 03 Jun 2013 02:32 AM PDT

se ho capito il frequenzimetro di andrecost ad ogni misura, tramite il rele', prima misura una frequenza nota, e poi scambia i contatti e inserisce nel circuito il componente di test, e rimisura la frequenza.
Dalla differenza di questi valore ricava il...

Computer Rooms by GOTO80 Looks Inside Computer Culture

Posted: 03 Jun 2013 02:00 AM PDT


New 36 page, full-colour book of photographs by GOTO80:

This is what computer culture really looks like. A collection of photos that show the messy reality behind the shiny online facade. Where we make our living and spend our free time. And try to be creative. Or maybe even worse.


The project began in 2009, when I started to collect photos of 8-bit computers. Gradually, I got more interested in the context rather than the machines. For me this book is actually not about technology. It's about the things around the computer – the room and the context. Our living conditions. Because it's in places like this that books are written and scientific research is done. These kinds of places lead to political actions, fantastic music, art, new friends, inventions, love, and so much more. This is IRL!

Available on here!

The Future Is ‘Wearables, Drivables, Flyables, Scannables’ #makerbusiness

Posted: 03 Jun 2013 02:00 AM PDT

Mary Meeker: The Future Is 'Wearables, Drivables, Flyables, Scannables'.

Smartphone and tablets are so 2013. The future of computing is all about "wearables, drivables, flyables and scannables," says Internet analyst Mary Meeker.

Meeker released the latest version of her Internet trends report Wednesday at AllThingsD's D11 conference. The 117-page opus is packed with predictions.

Among them: The third wave of technology will come in such forms as eyewear (Google Glass), watches, GPS-enabled drones, self-driving cars and more sophisticated uses of barcode-like QR codes. Apple CEO Tim Cook made some of those same points Tuesday, saying he was "incredibly interested" in devices on wearable technology, especially (hint, hint?) those that one might sport on one's wrist.

Meeker, a partner with the venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers, is a former Morgan Stanley analyst known as the "Queen of the Net" for her prescient calls ahead of the 2000 dot-com bust.

Reimagining Penn Station

Posted: 03 Jun 2013 02:00 AM PDT

SHoP Architects

The original beaux arts Penn Station was demolished in 1963 amidst public outrage, and the largest commuter train station in the United States was pushed underground to make way for Madison Square Garden, a stadium for events, making the daily grind a bit smellier, hotter and less pleasant for the 300,000-odd straphangers traveling from the tristate area who pass through every day. Below, three firms, SHoP, DS+R, and H3 Hardy Collaboration reimagine the space in its current context. Designs were presented at the Times Center by the Municipal Arts Society on May 29th. via dezeen.

DS+R 2
Diller Scofidio + Renfro

The original Penn Station by McKim, Mead and White

The original station's demolition inspired a hotbed of debate, and redesigning Penn Station for the future has become the cause célèbre of generations of architects and planners, intent on reiviving a (maybe partially imagined) golden age of civic building in the United States. Here, three New York firms reimagine how the station could be returned to its former glory, but this time with futuristic curtain walls and cantilevered construction throughout.

SHoP Architects

SHoP Architects

Diller Scofidio + Renfro

H3 Hardy1
H3 Hardy Collaboration Architecture

Re: Flashing code from SD Card

Posted: 03 Jun 2013 01:52 AM PDT


Re: comment couper des données reçu

Posted: 03 Jun 2013 01:49 AM PDT


Pourquoi transformer "results.value" en String pour ensuite faire le découpage ?
Ta valeur est un nombre (unsigned long), utilise cette particularité à ton avantage !

3249147375 / 100 000 000 = 32
3249147375 % 100 000 000 = 49147375

Ps: tu veu...

Re: Richiesta consigli per domotica con Arduino

Posted: 03 Jun 2013 01:48 AM PDT

L'appartamento è di 110 mq. Il progettista di tutta la casa è mio cognato l'architetto. Tutti i lavori di ristrutturazione (edilizia, idraulica, elettricità, etc) verranno affidati ad un'unica impresa, la quale avrà incarico di realizzare e certificare...


Posted: 03 Jun 2013 01:48 AM PDT

Il problema è ancora sull'orario.
Ho fatto fatica a capire come impostare l'orario dell'RTC, (come vorrei fare dal menu) sembra che nella libreria RTClib, non esista un coman...

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