Fascinating talk about hardware hacking Tamagotchis. Thanks for the tip from Malcolm Tredinnick, who noted: "A nice combination of low-and high-level hardware and software reverse-engineering. Many techniques and tools that will be familiar to regular Adafruit readers in isolation and here they're all pulled together into a fun story." I totally agree.
Many Tamagotchis Were Harmed in the Making of this Presentation
You might remember Tamagotchi virtual pets from the 1990′s. These toys are still around and just as demanding as ever! This talk covers my attempts to hack the latest Tamagotchis. Starting with the IR interface, and moving down into the hardware, this presentation will discuss techniques for reverse engineering a device with limited inputs, computing power and debugging capabilities.
Recent Tamagotchis are more than just pets. They can talk to their friends over IR, support games on external ROMs and store generations worth of information about their ancestors. This talk goes through the different ways Tamagotchis can be tampered with through these channels, including making Tamagotchis rich and happy over IR, altering their states in persistent memory and writing custom games. It also goes through attempts to dump the Tamagotchi's code from ROM.
Speaker: Natalie Silvanovich
Event: 29th Chaos Communication Congress [29c3] by the Chaos Computer Club [CCC]
Location: Congress Centrum Hamburg (CCH); Am Dammtor; Marseiller Straße; 20355 Hamburg; Germany
Also, starting a motor takes a higher duty cycle than keeping it running. Start speed of a motor or valve has always been higher than the minimal running speed of that motor or the smallest opening of a valve for the uses i have seen yet. This however ...
Ho provato ed effettivamente gli encoder funzionano anche senza pin PWM. Grazie delle info!!!. I motori non so a che velocità girano ma hanno dei motoriduttori 87:1, e gli encoder variano di 1000 stati per 3 giri di ruota. http://www.pololu.com/catalog...
I have two servos controlling a little bot. I am using this to learn how to use the Arduino. I also did many general tutorials to get familiar. Anyways, I want my bot to move forward, turn one way, turn the other way, and reverse back all with ramp...
I know i've asked alot already, but could you possibly go into more detail about making the impulse mode statements and warp mode statements loop round indefinitely?
I've been googling around but havent come across anything helpful and not confus...
Yes, the grounds need to be connected together. However, if the sensor and the power supply or servo connection share the same pin connection and wire, then the current flowing in that connection and wire will induce a voltage across it, due to the res...
[code] /////////////////////////////////////////////////// S I M P L E S Y R U P ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void syrupcount() { digitalWrite(latch, 0); shiftOut(data, clock,MSBFIRST, syrup1st); shiftOut(data, cloc...
[code]/////////////////////////////////////////////////// A M A R E T T O ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void amarettocount() { digitalWrite(latch, 0); shiftOut(data, clock,MSBFIRST, amarretto1st); shiftOut(data, clock...
xmas music in spain played on fish, champagne, crab, shrimp, grapes, gifts, etc. with #MaKeyMaKey
And from the YouTube video description:
Cada año vuelven los tópicos navideños: los típicos adornos, el gordo de la lotería, el de Navidad… La típica familia feliz, los petardos, los langostinos, el turrón, las uvas, el cava… Y el concierto de año nuevo, tan típico. ¿Y si a todo esto le metiéramos un poco de tecnología y creatividad digital? ¿Y si lo típico fuera reinventar los tópicos cada año? Suena bien, ¿verdad?
[ED NOTE: And here's quick Google Translate version, obviously very rough...rather than revise the resulting prose it I'll leave it that way: better than my nearly nonexistent Spanish.]
Every year Christmas become topics: the typical ornaments, the lottery jackpot, the Christmas … The typical happy family, firecrackers, shrimp, nougat, grapes, champagne … And New Year's concert, so typical. What if all this we Shove a bit of creativity and digital technology? What if he was reinventing typical topics each year? Sounds good, right?
Every Monday is Makey Makey™ Monday here at Adafruit! The MaKey MaKey – by Jay Silver and Eric Rosenbaum, made by JoyLabz! Ever played Mario on Play-Doh or Piano on Bananas? Alligator clip the Internet to Your World. MaKey MaKey is an invention kit for the 21st century. Find out more details at makeymakey.com or watch the video at makeymakey.com. Turn everyday objects into touchpads and combine them with the internet. It's a simple Invention Kit for Beginners and Experts doing art, engineering, and everything in between! If you have a cool project you've made with your Makey Makey be sure to send it in to be featured here!
When Hacker School made a big splash in the news last spring, it was due to their new grants for women. Sponsored by Etsy, GitHub and Palantir, the grants were aimed to help make Hacker School more affordable and inviting for women interested in attending the three-month student-led educational program. Hacker School is actually free for the accepted few, but living in their New York locale for three months can get pretty pricey.