martes, 30 de abril de 2013

Arduino by Davis: “Re: How do I run a statement once until the switch status changes?” plus 19 more

Arduino by Davis: “Re: How do I run a statement once until the switch status changes?” plus 19 more

Link to Arduino by Davis

Re: How do I run a statement once until the switch status changes?

Posted: 30 Apr 2013 02:40 AM PDT

Thanks Henry,

I tried your suggestion and it worked to an extent in that the relay and mute switching would alternate but only every time I held the momentary button down or released it, so as far as I can see the problem is finding a way for the state...

Picking a Halloween Costume Theme

Posted: 30 Apr 2013 02:38 AM PDT

For a group of friends, dressing in a theme for a party is a fun way to do Halloween together. Shop around on the sites to get an idea of which characters and categories are available.
For example, for a group of 4 friends, Alice in Wonderland could be...

Re: Turning 6 inputs into a Binary Number

Posted: 30 Apr 2013 02:38 AM PDT

Actually Mike...

If you connected them up from say 2 - 9.

Port registers allow for lower-level and faster manipulation of the i/o pins of the microcontroller on an Arduino board. The chips used on the...

Re: Lire des signaux MIDI

Posted: 30 Apr 2013 02:38 AM PDT

Les messages temps réel sont intercalables n'importe quand. Cela concerne les codes 0xF8 à 0xFF

Pas mal d'info ici

Re: Why do people use NPN transistors in order to build a LED cube?

Posted: 30 Apr 2013 02:36 AM PDT

Thanks for all the answers, yes Lefty it makes very sense. But if I do not want to turn on all the leds at the same time and use multiplexing on the programming, is it p...

Re: Why do people use NPN transistors in order to build a LED cube?

Posted: 30 Apr 2013 02:05 AM PDT

Thanks for all the answers, yes Lefty it makes very sense. But if I do not want to turn on all the leds at the same time and use multiplexing on the programming, is it possible to skip the transistors for a 5x5x5 cube? BecaUse it seems like the leds ar...

Hacking a String Pot / Smart String

Posted: 30 Apr 2013 02:03 AM PDT

Hi Everyone,

I was looking for advice on hacking the following.

Re: Please help with making display stable.

Posted: 30 Apr 2013 02:02 AM PDT

This code is total different from the first we saw.
Now you're using a keypad approach to get the key, but you chose to have 1 row of 7 columns.
Easier to wire and to handle perhaps.
But you are using 7 or 8 pins now (depends on the way you wired it up...

Re: Pannello sostituzioni giocatori

Posted: 30 Apr 2013 02:01 AM PDT

Le strip di led rimangono la soluzione piu economicamente conveniente ... 70 cm a cifra, per cifre alte sui 20/22cm, quindi per 2 cifre rosse e 2 verdi, un paio di metri per tipo e ne avanza pure, ad esempio di questi qui

Re: Ethernet hang

Posted: 30 Apr 2013 02:01 AM PDT

I blocchi del codice racchiudili con gli appositi tag CODE (pulsante # sopra le faccine), il post diventa più leggibile.
Puoi modificare i post precedenti premendo modify, in alto a destra del post stesso.

Re: Arduino MEGA Hardware UART serial communication with MSP430

Posted: 30 Apr 2013 02:01 AM PDT

You are just past the threshold of it working.  3.0V to 5.0V on an Arduino input pin is HIGH.  So 3.3V should work reasonably well.  An output from the MSP430 connected...

Re: 433 MHz RF - Temperature and humidity sensor

Posted: 30 Apr 2013 02:01 AM PDT

I'm in the same case the sensor, but this analysis is not appropriate.
Tell me which direction to go?
The application record from the sensor.
I agree with your sur...

Cross Stitch Chair

Posted: 30 Apr 2013 02:00 AM PDT

Re: UV LED's, drive voltage and current questions

Posted: 30 Apr 2013 01:28 AM PDT

I don't know it really doesn't seem to be outputting anything at 20mA and if none of the light is visable then I'm wasting my time smiley

I did have one running for a few hours at 30mA so maybe that is safe?

I want to run them from 12v in strings of 3.

Re: Automated Xylophone

Posted: 30 Apr 2013 01:27 AM PDT

Please don't cross-post.  (Please post replies here.)

Re: RISING and FALLING ISR on same pin?

Posted: 30 Apr 2013 01:27 AM PDT

digitalRead should be zero when the pin is FALLING
Yes it is.
And one when rising.

Re: Light and time dependent switch

Posted: 30 Apr 2013 01:27 AM PDT

I almost finished my project. Everything works but i didn't try to run device for more than 50 days (to see whats happen on rollover). I want to be sure that in case of rollover the whole thing is not going to freeze.

I read a lot about millis rollover...

Re: Arduino MEGA Hardware UART serial communication with MSP430

Posted: 30 Apr 2013 01:26 AM PDT

I have had success going from a higher voltage to a lower voltage using a simple voltage divider.  Keep the wires as short as possible, use resistors in the low to mid kilo-ohm range, and shoot for a voltage at or just below 3V (but well above the HIG...

Re: Logic level P-Channel FET recommendation

Posted: 30 Apr 2013 01:14 AM PDT

Thank you for reply..

From Slovenia (not Slovakia) in Europe.

Re: IRQ while processing Delay.

Posted: 30 Apr 2013 01:13 AM PDT

  if ((T>=20.00) && (RelayM==false)) //if override is off do normal operation
      Relay=false; //turn off relay
    } //heater off
  if (T<=18.00)
     Relay=true;  //turn on relay a...